CBM International University Research
Pluridisciplinarity Centre - official website

Research Centers (Points)
The university is currently running research in the USA (Sierra Blanca, Hudspeth Texas; Cherokee Village, Fulton Arkansas), Canada (Lynn Lake, Manitoba), UK (Greater London & Kettering, Northampton), and Romania (Bucharest).

Pluridisciplinarity Center - official website
Pluridisciplinarity Center is a research center,
affiliated with CBM International University, incorporated as legal entity (limited company) in Bucharest, Romania. More information here

Scientific events will be held in person and online. The running times are at the physical headquarters of the events. Participation in person will have a registration fee of $300 and online participation of $50. You will receive payment details when the paper is accepted, which will be announced within 48 hours from the registration date for the conference. Recorded presentations can be sent that will run during the conference, in the situation that it will not be possible to participate in person or online in real-time - we understand the time zone difference and respect each participant's schedule.
The papers of the events will be published with ISSN or ISBN, in the United States of America, United Kingdom, or Austria, with DOI, and will be indexed in Zenodo, SSRN, and other international databases. People who wish to publish their papers are asked to specify in the registration form if they want papers with ISSN (journal in the United Kingdom) or ISBN (proceeding of the conference in Austria or the United States of America).
Organizers: CBM International University USA, Akademos Learning UK, 9472-9655 Quebec Canada, Pluridisciplinarity Center Romania
International Conference "EdTech Policy and Leadership", July 25, 2024, Oxford, UK
International Conference "Social, Tech, and Natural Sciences in the Multidisciplinary Advent", August 15, 2024, Cambridge, UK
International Conference "Sustainable Development in a Multipolar Society" November 15, 2024, Harvard, USA

International Workshop "Mountain Economy in the Context of Climate Change and Migration" January 22, 2024, Madrid, SPAIN
International Workshop "Education, Psychology, and Sociology in the Current Century", March 15, 2024, Paris, FRANCE
International Workshop "Agriculture in Premises of Regional Growth", April 26, 2024, Karlsruhe, GERMANY
International Workshop "Mountain Sustainability and European Development", June 28, 2024, Rome, ITALY
International Workshop "Technologies Nexus Intelligence Society", July 26, 2024, Oxford, UK
International Workshop "New: Education - Generation - Technologies", August 16, 2024, Cambridge, UK
International Workshop "Green and Blue Deals: Planetary Mountains and Oceans", November 14, 2024, Harvard, USA


Registration form

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Your message has been sent successfully, I hope to respond within 48 hours. You can also contact us through email!

Correspondence e-mails
cbmuniversity@usa.com, cbmuniversity@europe.com,
cbmuniversity@asia.com, cbmuniversity@australiamail.com,  cbmuniversity@brazilmail.com, cbmuniversity@africamail.com, 
cbmuniversity@graduate.org, cbmuniversity@teachers.org

Payment details

Account holder: CBM International University

USD account

National - Account holder: CBM International University; Routing number: 084009519; Account number: 9600003648961440; Account type: current account
International - SWIFT/BIC: CMFGUS33; Account number: 822000379168
Only from America (United States, Canada), Asia (China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates), Oceania (Australia, New Zealand), Europe (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Guernsey, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Isle of Man, Italy, Jersey, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom).
Wise Address: 19 W 24th Street, New York NY 10010, United States

EU and SEAP account

Swift/BIC: TRWIBEB1XXX; IBAN: BE71 9672 8865 3269
Wise Address: Avenue Louise 54, Room S52, Brussels, 1050, Belgium

GBP account
Sort code: 23-14-70; Account number: 40552295; SWIFT/BIC: TRWIGB2L; IBAN: GB71TRWI23147040552295
Wise Address: 56 Shoreditch High Street, London, E1 6JJ, United Kingdom 

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